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Archive » December 2014

December 2014

After the comprehensive assessment and the start of the Single supervisory mechanism, the emphasis in now on defining the second pillar of the banking union: the Single resolution fund and board ...

Euro crisis, banks' liquidity needs and Ecb policy

Pierluigi Morelli, Giovanni Battista Pittaluga, Elena Seghezza
Although there is an extensive literature that sees the core function of banks in terms of liquidity creation, only a few analyses propose measures of it. This paper aims to construct an indicator ...
This paper investigates the portfolio quality of Italian supervised Mutual guarantee credit institutions in 2011-2012 by analysing the relationship between non-performing ratios, size, performance ...

Banks' recapitalization after Basel 3: what are the best strategies?

Giorgio Carlo Brugnoni, Maria Giovanna Siena, Franco Tutino
The new capital requirements outlined by Basel 3 impose to banks operational and strategic choices to adapt to the higher capital standards. But, what are the best solutions and what interventions ...
After a slow start, over the past few months there has been a marked acceleration in the listing of mini bonds issued by not listed companies. Since 2013 seventy mini bonds have been issued ...

Financial return crowdfunding platforms in Europe

Giuliana Borello, Veronica De Crescenzo, Flavio Pichler
The analysis of a sample of Financial return crowdfunding platforms operating in European countries, carried out in order to investigate the nature, the operating models and the main organizational aspects ...
For merchants accepting cards, interchange fees increase costs and thus reduce the possibilities to pass through to customers savings originated by progress in payment system. Moreover ...