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Archive » February 2019 » Banks and Fintech: strategies and business models

Banks and Fintech: strategies and business models

Nicola Ilario Sibilio, Marco Boero, Luca Salerno
February 2019 - n. 2
Keywords: Banche, Fintech, modelli di business
Jel codes: G21, G23, G28

Ict and Fintech development have resulted in product, process and organizational innovations for banks and for their business models, with direct and significant impacts on organization, internal controls and risk management. Banking and financial intermediaries will have to redefine themselves to be more competitive and compliant. At the same time, authorities are concerned about the potential risks that may emerge for the financial system and for consumer protection. Faced with these challenges, banks are adopting different approaches: developing in-house technological solutions; partnering with new entrant Fintech firms; opting for a complete outsourcing of financial innovation; or participating in business incubators or accelerators.


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