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January 2015

In a book recently published in Italy and edited by Antonio Pedone, are collected essays and articles written by Luigi Spaventa between 2003 and 2011, where the Italian economist addresses the crucial ...

European banks, leaner structure and digital networks

Giancarlo Durante, Luigi Prosperetti
Large European banks are facing a difficult scenario and the need to increase profitability and to improve the cost structure. As a consequence, they are reducing the excess capacity in networks ...
This is a study about the relationship between media sentiment and US stock market. The database is made of 7,132 news published by the WSJ in the period 11/2011-02/2013
The operating procedures of the Ssm will be developed with the assistance of national supervisory authorities and the full adoption of the best practices of supervision will require adequate ...
The Single Supervisory Mechanism will mean for European banks long-term benefits, for the alignment of the supervision approaches and rules, the creation of a single capital market and ...
The socio-economic context created by globalization and the crisis has significant consequences from the social point of view, allowing the shift from a logic centered on the economic value ...
The new Integrated controls system should evolve towards a holistic and dynamic approach to risks that requires a cultural change in management style. This will be oriented to ...

Towards a new relationship: banks and Smes in Italy

Massimo Caratelli, Umberto Filotto
An Italian survey analyzes the characteristics of the relationship between Smes and banks in Italy in order to identify some possible changes and corrective actions to improve the quality ...