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year 100

Archive » April 2023

April 2023

The 2022 Nobel Prize was awarded to Ben Bernanke, Douglas D. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig, for their research on banks and financial crises ...

Globalisation and fragmentation

Luigi Federico Signorini
Globalisation has contributed to lasting growth and the sharp reduction of global poverty. Economic integration has been accompanied by an improvement ...
The Italian banking history is dotted with a series of financial institutions that have led to an increase in biodiversity, i.e. the presence of a variety of operators ...

European banks and Esg: the opportunities of sustainable transition

Cristiano Zazzara, Clara Cibrario Assereto
European banks have been increasingly focusing on Environmental, Social, and Governance (Esg) issues as a key component of their business strategy ...
The Btps indexed to the Italian inflation rate are achieving significant success on the market. The indexation methods and the loyalty bonus have aroused significant interest ...
Smes access to the financial resources to carry out ecological transition is still limited by several obstacles. The diffusion of public credit guarantee schemes ...
The dissemination of economic and financial knowledge and skills underpins the process of social inclusion. An approach that involves the whole life span of citizens is needed ...
Una riflessione storica sulle banche «di ieri» – in particolare Casse di risparmio, Banche popolari e Casse rurali e artigiane può apparire datata nell’Italia ...