Journal of
year 100
March 2016
Growth, jobs, Brexit, migrants, Greek debt, bail-in are the most relevant issues that moved up the European agenda in order to strengthen the resilience of the European project at large.
The need for banks to implement cultural and conduct changes is fundamental to the safety and soundness of the financial system. Banks have to play an active role in this process...
Matteo Bonaventura, Giancarlo Giudici
The article analyzes the mergers and acquisitions operations realized by the new listed firms in the Italian Stock Exchange over the 1997-2013 period.
A survey conducted using the method of the Big Data Analytics, and based on a sample of banks identified by business model, shows that Italian banks are more diversified...
Andrea Nobili, Andrea Caponera, Stefania Celebrini, Giorgia Greco
After 2008, the deterioration of Italian banks asset quality and the high level of credit risk has generated an asymmetric tax treatment and a competitive gap towards European banks.
Massimo Caratelli, Umberto Filotto, Lucia Gibilaro, Gianluca Mattarocci
The peer-to-peer lending market is growing in Europe and in Us and there are significant differences in the business models adopted by the main market players...
Giuseppe Ghisolfi, Luigi Prosperetti, Giancarlo Durante, Arturo Maresca, Eliano Omar Lodesani
Italian banks have made extraordinary efforts to face the crisis with significant efforts in terms of capitalization, waiting for the bank profitability recovery.