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year 100

Archive » May 2021

May 2021

The supply chain system is the productive infrastructure, the engine of the Italian real economy. It is the basis of excellence on which to build the conditions ...
The digitization of rules and processes is a challenge for Italy and is one of the two pillars of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan ...
This note deals with some aspects of monetary policy undertaken by the Ecb after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemics ...
This paper tries to empirically assess the impact of the Funding structure of banks on the Credit channel in Central and Southeastern European region ...
Forecasting models must be based on solid foundations: this is a lesson that has its roots in ancient times – in the activity of fortune-tellers and seers ...
The Italian tax on the value of financial assets held abroad (Ivafe), established in 2012, was intended to subject these assets to taxation methods ...
It cannot be denied that cheques – like any other payment instrument – can be used as vehicles for money laundering and terrorist financing ...
The long process towards transparency and the harmonization of financial information for listed companies in the Eu has led to the obligation to draft ...

Forecasting the impact of Covid-19 on companies and the resilience of the different sectors in Italy

Simone Mirani, Matteo Squadrani, Stefania Spadoni, Cristina Caprara
The economic picture resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic is characterized by a high heterogeneity of effects both at sectoral level and per company ...
The European market for commercial papers is already active and an Italian environment already exists to welcome and stimulate the development ...
Il libro di Piero Barucci sulla storia del Credito Italiano, dalla fondazione come Banca di Genova nel 1870 al 1945, è in effetti una storia dell’economia italiana ...
Gli orizzonti internazionali furono culturalmente e metodologicamente alla base della nascita di Mediobanca, innanzitutto dei suoi inventori ...