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Archive » November 2016

November 2016

Italian insurance companies have to face the difficulties posed by economic, political and social context, but they will also benefit from market and technological opportunities. For the companies it will be essential ...

European system of central banks and communication: what do social media reveal?

Alessandro Carretta, Vincenzo Farina, Lucrezia Fattobene
The study of the content of the European National Central Banks, conducted through the text analysis of hashtags, reveals that banking supervision, inflation, Monetary Union ...
The compensation systems in private banking need to be aligned with the competitive strategy and consistent with organizational structure. Basing on a survey conducted in partnership with the Italian Association ...
The housing market in Italy has to become more flexible and adaptable to young people needs. New conditions are therefore necessary to facilitate, also fiscally, the features of market rents
Following the German model characterized by low vacancy rates, stable rentals and fiscal facilities, the Italian residential market has to develop quality products offered by a professional management and aimed ...
Dac2 Directive extended the cooperation between Eu tax authorities to automatic exchange of financial account information, transposing in European countries the Oecd Common Reporting Standard. The Directive has ...
In the present context there is the need of a gradual rethinking of the branch role in terms of its structure and functions, using the opportunities offered by digitalization and focusing on more efficient activities ...

The risk of pro-cyclicality

Fabio Scacciavillani
Basel 2 (evolving towards Basel 3) is a system based on strict prudential requirements that can amplify fluctuations and represent a significant element of pro-cyclicality