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Archive » September 2020 » Bank crisis management in Europe, the role of the Single Resolution Mechanism

Bank crisis management in Europe, the role of the Single Resolution Mechanism

Giuseppe Gibilaro, Gianluca Mattarocci
September 2020 - n. 9
Keywords: Crisi bancarie, Single Resolution Mechanism, normativa fallimentare
Jel codes: G21, G28, H12

The Single Resolution Mechanism (Srm) is the second pillar of the Banking Union created for standardizing the resolution procedure within the European Union. The new regulation has created a new independent supervisory body (Single Resolution Board or Srb) coordinating with the national resolution authorities (Nra) in order to manage banking crises. The article describes the regulatory process that allowed creating the Srm framework and the role of each player involved in the resolution process. The analysis evaluates the differences among financial institution supervised by the Srb and Nras and the main features of the resolution processes that were managed since the Srm set up.

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