Journal of

year 100

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Forum | Papers

The determinants of Mergers and Acquisitions in Italian banks

N. 7/8 - 2014
Elena Beccalli, Francesca Lenoci
During the crisis the financial system experienced a concentration process driven by new M&A released by both big and medium banks. The article evaluates the role of banking features and regulatory framework in ...
Index-linked bonds are structured products whose returns depend on performance of one or more financial indexes. They can be seen as the sum of a bond and an option (derivative component)

A broader indicator of credit risk in Italian banks, based on total non-performing loans flow

N. 5 - 2014
Vincenzo Chiorazzo, Francesco Masala, Pierluigi Morelli
This paper contributes to the literature on bank risk with a cross-sectional analysis of the bank-specific determinants of risk using a new indicator calculated for a sample of 38 Italian banks in the period 2006-2012...

Italian listed banks and compliance with Corporate Governance Code

N. 4 - 2014
Maria Luisa Di Battista, Paola Schwizer, Valeria Stefanelli
The paper aims to evaluate the quality of the corporate governance information published by Italian listed banks in the period 2010-2012. The results may interest banks, regulators and supervisors to highlight possible areas...
This study investigates the effect of the publication of spin-off news, published between 2000 and 2011 in the Wall Street Journal (Wsj), on the abnormal returns of companies involved in the deal. The results of the empirical analysis ...

How Do Analysts Value Italian Banks? An Empirical Analysis

N. 2 - 2014
Gianfranco Gianfrate, Roberto Vincenzi
The literature that examines target prices issued by equity research analysts is vast, and the role of the analytical process and valuation model used to determine target prices has received growing attention by scholars.
The reorganization of branch networks recently undertaken by Italian banking groups has led many subsidiary banks to operate in territories where the parent company is not present through own branches

Financial education among university students in Italy: the state of the art

N. 12 - 2013
Elisa Bocchialini, Maria Adele Milioli, Lucia Poletti, Beatrice Ronchini
A sample of 1,087 Italian university students was surveyed to investigate their financial education and its determinants. Financial education of first-year and third-year business and non-business students...
The Social Disclosure (Sd), in general, expressed through corporate social reporting can sometimes be reflected only in a series of fulfillment. In this perspective, the research aims to verify, with reference to Cooperative Credit Banks (Bcc) in Ita...

Building Sme rating: is it necessary for lenders to monitor financial statements of the borrowers?

Edward I. Altman, Alessandro Giannozzi, Oliviero Roggi, Gabriele Sabato
The goal of this paper is to analyze the role that non-financial variables can play in assessing Smes creditworthiness and to compare their value in predicting business failure with the one of the most commonly used...
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