Journal of

year 100

Forum | Papers

Forum | Papers

Ipo and Ceo turnover. A study on Italian companies listed

Donatella Depperu, Enrico Fabrizi, Daniele M. Ghezzi
In this article we analyze the turnover dynamics of Ceos before and after the company Ipo. Ceo turnover depends on a number of factors, related to company, personal career and traits
This research investigates disclosure practices of European insurers over the 2006-2010 time horizon. First, it constructs a disclosure index based on the information companies provide in their annual reports. Then, it estimates the relationship betw...
The cooperative credit system in Europe has been affected to a lesser extent by the crisis than other banks: cooperative banks have maintained a good quality of loans and a low pro-cyclicality of credit supply
Based on a sample of banks from eleven European countries over the period 2001-2010, this paper examines the stability of cooperative banks in comparison with other business models, as well as the specific role played ...
This paper analyzes the methods of rating attribution of the major international agencies (Moody's, Fitch and Standard & Poor's) between 2005 and 2010 for a sample of Italian and European listed banks
This paper analyzes the methods of rating attribution of the major international agencies (Moody's, Fitch and Standard & Poor's) between 2005 and 2010 for a sample of Italian and European listed banks and tests empirically...
Previous researches have demonstrated that consumer decisions could be affected by some biases in the supplementary pension field. Decisionmaking is very often not guided by rationality, and in many cases, if forced to choose, people will decide not ...

Credit risk, the case of Italian cooperative banks

Anna Maria Biscotti, Eugenio D'Amico
This paper aims to empirically test the credit risk, measured as non-performing loans, of cooperative banks which operate in a specific Italian geographic area (Lazio, Umbria and Sardegna).We perform a regression analysis over the period 1995-2009

The role of private equity for firms restructuring: the going private strategy

Vincenzo Capizzi, Stefano Caselli, Renato Giovannini, Valerio Pesic
In this paper we consider the role of private equity for growth and restructuring processes, through the analysis of a comprehensive dataset of European going private deals during the period 1998-2007

Internationalization, diversification and risk in multinational banks

Mohamed Azzim Gulamhussen, Carlos Pinheiro, Alberto Franco Pozzolo
Since the beginning of the financial crisis, multinational banks have been accused of being among the major causes of the financial system's destabilization
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