Journal of

year 100

Forum | Papers

Forum | Papers

Reputational risk and operating losses.An empirical analysis on listed banks

Gabriele Maucci, Daniele Ruspantini, Paola Schwizer, Maria Gaia Soana
This paper assesses the reputational impact of announced operational losses for a sample of 163 listed financial companies from 1994 to 2008
Among capital increases realized in 2009 by Italian listed firms, two operations drew the attention of the investors and regulators because of the complex architecture of their offering
This paper examines the determinants of shareholder value creation for a large sample of European banks
This paper proposes a method to evaluate if risk is adequately accounted for in the Morningstar rating system

Italian Sri funds: ethical level and pricing

Antonella Iannuzzi, Mariantonietta Intonti
In the last decade, the Socially responsible investing funds market registered, at the Italian and European level, a steady growth trend in both the number of existing funds...
Thousands of reports are published yearly, providing trading advice to investors and forecasts concerning the future market price of stocks (the so called target prices)
Patent backed securitizations are customized financial solutions characterized by a high level of complexity

Italian real estate funds and regulatory structure: effects on Nav discount

Anna Grazia Quaranta, Massimo Biasin, Emanuela Giacomini
This paper investigates the effects of the Italian real estate funds governance and intermediation structure on market prices discount over Nav figures

Estimating Exposure at Default under the Internal Ratings-Based Approach

Andrea Resti, Massimiliano Cecconi, Elisa Alghisi Manganello
Under the Basel II advanced Irb (Internal Ratings Based) approach, banks are encouraged to provide internal estimates for all of the risky parameters determining the minimum regulatory capital
This paper examines the characteristics and the critical aspects of the Italian Asset management industry
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