Journal of

year 100

Forum | Papers

Forum | Papers

How relevant is the conflict of interests for a Stock Exchange owned by financial intermediaries that are also clients of the securities market?
The paper investigates the performances of Italian private equity industry, either at investment or fund level
The paper evaluates how the Fed reacted to inflation, output gap, and the equity risk premium perceived in the US stock market during the period 1985-2008

Operational risks and small banks: the black swan

Gianfausto Salvadori, Giampaolo Gabbi, Simona Cosma
Unlike the regulation of the major American and European countries, the new prudential regulation for banks in Italy does not allow the use of advanced methods...

Liquidity risk: supervisory models and best practices

Pasqualina Porretta, Ida Claudia Panetta
the light of the recent financial market turmoil, this paper focuses on liquidity risk management from the point of view of both supervisory authorities and large financial institutions
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