Journal of

year 100

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Forum | Papers

The Considerazioni finali of the Bank of Italy between language, history and economy

N. 7-8 - 2022
Cristina Guardiano, Valentina Ligabue, Paola Vezzani
In this paper, we perform an analysis of the 75 Considerazioni finali read by the Governors of the Bank of Italy in charge from 1947 to 2021 ...

Esg performance and the impact on medium-long term probabilities of default: the European case

N. 6 - 2022
Egidio Palmieri, Enrico F. Geretto, Maurizio Polato
The integration of Esg performance into risk management policies has become a topic of interest for banks, managers, researchers and policy makers ...
The regulation of interest rate risk in the banking book has been going through a relevant evolution. The study examines the introduction ...

Payment choices in Italy and the pandemic: when a crisis can become an opportunity

N. 4 - 2022
Lucia Leonelli, Gerardo Petroccione, Elvira Anna Graziano, Gian Paolo Stella
In correspondence with the health emergency due to Covid-19, Italians, who have always been characterized by a marked preference for ...

The information cascade in Equity Crowdfunding: the (limited) rationality of retail investors

N. 3 - 2022
Caterina Lucarelli, Francesco James Mazzocchini
Based on theories of herding behaviour and information cascade, this paper investigates features that affect retail investors' willingness to invest ...

Public credit guarantees and Smes’ financial tension: the Italian case

N. 2 - 2022
Paola Brighi, Federica Fanti, Sabrina Severini
Using a proprietary quarterly database of lending decisions from 31 March 2019 to 31 December 2020, for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises ...

Sustainable finance and public policies: a Sroi model for social housing

N. 1 - 2022
Mario La Torre, Arturo Cafaro, Alessia Palma
The Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan allocates significant resources to social investments, and in particular to social housing ...

Tlac-eligible debt: Who holds it? A view from the euro area

N. 12 - 2021
Carmela Aurora Attinà, Pierluigi Bologna
We analyse the issuance of Tlac eligible bonds by the eight euro area Globally systemic banks (G-Sibs) between 2013 and 2020. Leveraging on the Ecb ...

Do impact-leaders affect the strategy of social and environmental impact funds?

N. 11 - 2021
Helen Chiappini, Emanuela Giacomini, Nicoletta Marinelli
This article studies the relationship between the background of the social impact fund’s leadership team and the fund orientation towards financial performance ...

Market effects of asset sales in banking: an empirical analysis

N. 9 - 2021
Claudia Curi, Maurizio Murgia, Antonio Gagliostro
In this paper we study some highly debated research hypotheses on bank restructuring literature. Using a sample of asset sales transactions ...
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