Journal of

year 100

Forum | Papers

Forum | Papers

We show in this paper that managers who work for the most important Italian financial distributors believe that financial education is a relevant element for retail clients' portfolio choices. The survey respondents are aware of the gaps existing in ...

Technical efficiency of the Italian Mutual guarantee institutions

N. 2 - 2019
Domenico Piatti, Peter Cincinelli, Università di Bergamo
Cost efficiency is a peculiar element for the Mutual Guarantee Institutions (Confidi) core business. Efficient resource management is the condition that can enable a future development of the collaterals market.

Npls sales and market reactions: who is left empty-handed?

N. 3 - 2019
Mario La Torre, Gianfranco Vento, Helen Chiappini, Giuseppe Lia
Using the peculiarity experience of the Italian banking market over the years 2014-2017, the aim of this paper is to empirically test the market reaction to Npls sales.

Modelling credit risk with soft facts for micro firms and Smes

N. 1 - 2019
Giampaolo Gabbi, Massimo Matthias, Michele Giammarino
We investigate how the use of quantitative along with qualitative variables may improve the evaluation of the creditworthiness of micro, small and medium firms. We harden qualitative variables in order to assign ratings to borrowers.
The paper investigates the role of financial studies within Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences, by highlighting some empirical
The study analyzes the functioning of the pawn shop industry in Italy, paying attention to the case of Gold (pawn) shops or «Compro Oro».
Real estate investment trusts have been introduced in order to propose an alternative to listed real estate funds.

Does Business Model Instability Imperil Banks' Soundness? Evidence from Europe

N. 7-8 - 2018
Rym Ayadi, Giovanni Ferri, Valerio Pesic
In the years prior to the Great Financial Crisis, banking business metamorphosed from being the economy's most regulated and traditional sector into one of the most dynamic ...

The link between board diversity, competence and bank performance

N. 6 - 2018
R. Locatelli, C. Schena, A. Uselli, A. Tanda
This paper investigates the link between the board of directors' characteristics and bank's financial performance in a wide sample of Italian banks. The analysis is among the first and ...
In this paper, we outline the general lines of a structural model that is based on the Leland model (1994), but differs from its assumptions about the tax regime. In the revised model, which we call the Perpetual-Debt Structural Model ...
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