Journal of

year 100

Forum | Papers

Forum | Papers

For an effective market-discipline in the credit sector it is necessary that investors increase their capability of early detecting banks with sub-optimal solvency levels and produce timely responses, in proportion to ...
This paper investigates banking diversification in terms of business combinations which carry out customer frontend operations, also considering different client typologies ...
Real estate's wealth financialization process represents a way to convert households' real estate wealth into cash flows. These solutions of Home equity conversion are an important option when the sale of real estate ...

Financial advisors and the role of investors' trust

N. 1 - 2018
Caterina Cruciani, Gloria Gardenal, Ugo Rigoni
This study analyzes the fiduciary relationship between Financial advisors and their clients, using data from 1,209 questionnaires collected among Italian professional financial advisors. It looks explicitely at two different measures of trust (direct...

Young adult attitudes toward finance: a focus group exploration

N. 12 - 2017
Elisa Bocchialini, Beatrice Ronchini
Despite growing interest in youth financial literacy, their attitudes toward finance have not been directly explored and recognized so far. We suppose that a good attitude toward finance may predict high financial kwowledge ...

Bank-specific and firm-specific determiners of credit supply

N. 11 - 2017
Carmen Gallucci, Vincenzo Formisano, Michele Modina, Rosalia Santulli
The present paper aims at investigating the bank-specific and firm-specific determiners of both short-term and long-term credit supply. It applies a hierarchical regression model on data (2013-2014) related to a sample ...

Sovereign rating: a comparison among different rating agencies

N. 10 - 2017
Massimo Regalli, Maria Gaia Soana, Emanuele Testi
Our research compares sovereign ratings assigned by the American S&P, Fitch and Moody's, and the most important Chinese credit rating agency, Dagong. Differences in sovereign ratings appear rather small among ...
The growing importance of sovereign bonds in bank assets and the hypotheses of a new regulation in the Eu are posing complex questions. The paper analyzes the recent proposals of the European authorities and the possible ...

Name concentration risk and credit to Smes: the case for reducing customers and raise quality

N. 7/8 - 2017
Giacomo De Laurentis, Diego Quatraro, Luca Santambrogio
This study investigates the relationship between name concentration and risk on a real-world loan portfolio of Italian Smes. Consistently with findings in the field of security portfolios ...

Multiple directorships in the Board of Directors: an investors' perspective

N. 6 - 2017
Marco Caiffa, Vincenzo Farina, Lucrezia Fattobene
This study investigates investors' perspective on multiple directorships in the same Board of Directors. We assess the impact of mass media communication when directors who hold multiple positions in the BoD ...
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