Journal of

year 100

Forum | Papers

Forum | Papers

Stakeholder Engagement in European banks: a new model

N. 5 - 2017
Simona Cosma, Rossella Leopizzi
The paper outlines a model to evaluate the Stakeholder Engagement process quality, based on content analysis applied to Se disclosure in the annual reports of a sample of ...

Cyber risk in the financial industry, the market reactions

N. 4 - 2017
Maria Cristina Arcuri, Marina Brogi, Gino Gandolfi
This paper analyses cyber risk in the financial sector. It identifies and assesses the impact of cyber-attacks on share prices, distinguishing between commercial banks and other financial entities. Event study methodology ...

Right and wrong lending decisions: are they predictable?

N. 3 - 2017
Paola Brighi, Caterina Lucarelli, Valeria Venturelli
Using a proprietary database of lending decisions for small and medium-sized enterprises (Smes), the aim of the paper is to understand how hard and soft information affect the correctness as well as the probability of errors ...

The Theory of Planned Behavior and financial decisions of Italian investors

N. 2 - 2017
Doriana Cucinelli, Gino Gandolfi, Maria-Gaia Soana
To date, few contributions have applied the theory of planned behavior (Tpb) to financial decisions. The paper aims to investigate the applicability of Tpb in predicting the intentions of Italian retail customers to apply for ...

Board gender diversity in Italian Ipos

N. 1 - 2017
Cristiana Cardi, Caterina Lucarelli
Our empirical analysis of gender diversity, within the boards of 83 Ipos listed in Italian Stock Exchange, shows a lower female participation in board of directors for companies of larger dimensions, higher concentrated ...

Internal ratings, credit growth and Npls: an empirical analysis

N. 12 - 2016
Marina Damilano, Paola De Vincentiis, Eleonora Isaia, Patrizia Pia
In this paper, we investigate how the use of internal credit rating systems impacted the lending activity in Italy, during the 2010-2014 downturn.
The compensation systems in private banking need to be aligned with the competitive strategy and consistent with organizational structure. Basing on a survey conducted in partnership with the Italian Association of Private Banks....

Market liquidity risk measurement and adjusted VaR

N. 10 - 2016
Pasqualina Porretta, Francesco Giannone
The international financial crises is also an illiquidity of securities and financial markets crises. This has given rise to market liquidity risk that is something different and more....

Do Italian banks have a competitive disadvantage in lending?

N. 9 - 2016
Giovanni Ferri, Zeno Rotondi
We hypothesize that, with respect to banks from other European countries, Italian banks suffer a competitive disadvantage in business lending.

Measuring credit risk in the Italian Construction sector

N. 7/8 - 2016
Gianluca Mattarocci, Laura Maccari
The Italian construction sector is characterized by a high exposure to the default risk and the last real estate crisis showed the usefulness of new and more complete risk evaluation methodologies for this type of real estate firms.
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