Journal of

year 100

Forum | Papers

Forum | Papers

Islamic Banking Regulation and the Role of the Sharia Board: The Uk Case Study

N. 6 - 2016
Abdelhafid Benamraoui, Yousef Alwardat, Uzma Ashraf
The research paper examines the main views of regulating and supervising of Islamic financial institutions and the role of the Sharia supervisory board in overseeing the operations of these institutions in the Uk.
The Comprehensive Assessment showed a significant difference between regulatory capital ratios reported by banks and those calculated by the Ecb.

Ceo turnover, Ipos and performance: an analysis in Uk and Italy

N. 4 - 2016
Daniele Cerrato, Donatella Depperu, Marco Minciullo
Ceo turnover is one of the most significant moments in the life of a company. The paper analyzes this phenomenon and is based on a sample of non-financial firms listed on the Borsa Italiana ...

Corporate acquisitions of newly listed companies: the Italian evidence

N. 3 - 2016
Matteo Bonaventura, Giancarlo Giudici
The article analyzes the mergers and acquisitions operations realized by the new listed firms in the Italian Stock Exchange over the 1997-2013 period.
The paper investigates the relation between the adoption of good practices in risk management and the level of performance and riskiness of banks. In particular, we aim at understanding if the application ...
Our work compares the relative efficiency of the most important European banking groups over the period 2005-2013 by employing a parametric approach (Stochastic Frontier Analysis) to determine the effects of the recent ...
A common belief is that the specialness of alternative banks pertains to their ethical orientation, i.e., the values they state to follow in shaping objectives, strategies, operations and products. Assessing the ethics of their behavior is a subtle e...
This paper investigates the impact of the structural liquidity rule of Basel 3 (the so-called Net Stable Funding Ratio, Nsfr) on bank profitability, taking into account also the role of the cost of funding

Is the financial services industry affected by collateral overlaps?

N. 9 - 2015
Bruno Bertaccini, Lorenzo Gai, Federica Ielasi
Financial intermediaries typically mitigate information asymmetries by requesting collaterals on issued loans. Banks can request internal guarantees ...

The leading role of information search in banks' customer satisfaction

N. 7/8 - 2015
Gianluigi Guido, Antonio Mileti, M. Irene Prete, Vincenzo Scamandro
Recent studies on customer satisfaction showed how the whole consumption experience - rather than the sole service performance - should be considered amongst the causes of repurchasing acts
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