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Archive » September 2019 » Cooperative banking groups in Italy: sustainibility, governance and networking

Cooperative banking groups in Italy: sustainibility, governance and networking

Pasqualina Porretta,Cosimo Damiano Capolupo
September 2019 - n. 9
Keywords: Riforma del credito cooperativo, contratto di coesione, cross-guarantee, network models
Jel codes: G21, G34

The current market and regulatory environment poses a major challenge to the Italian Cooperative credit system after the recent reform, to reaffirm the sustainability of the business. A challenge that must be addressed with new organizational structures and strategic attitudes. An analysis of the recent trends highlights the key issues for the two new Cooperative groups: credit quality, funding, Npl management, efficiency and operating costs, technological innovation, capital strengthening, sharing of responsibilities between the centre and individual banks, maintain the cooperative mission. With the possibility of networking strategies, processes, resources, towards a new group conception.


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