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Archive » December 2020 » Endurance and reaction capacity of italians facing the pandemic risk

Endurance and reaction capacity of italians facing the pandemic risk

Giovanna Paladino
December 2020 - n. 12
Keywords: Abitudine al risparmio, alfabetizzazione finanziaria, genere, Covid-19
Jel codes: D14, G53, J16

The Covid-19 pandemic has struck people worldwide and Italians in an unexpected way. The end of the lockdown in May with the return to a nearly normal life has fostered the fear of a new wave of contagion in Autumn. For this reason, in September we carried out a survey aimed at measuring further endurance and reaction capacity of Italians in case of a new pandemic. Overall the country seems to have proven its strength as at mid-September most of the population affirmed not having been seriously affected by the crisis. But, in contrast, the malaise of the socially fragile groups showed signs of deterioration. The resilience of the country is measured by using several factors that constitute the Index of endurance, such as the habit of saving and the support network made of family and friends. We pointed out that the reaction capacity, which is mainly measured on the basis of personal features and psychological grip, highlights the important role of young adults, women and people living in the South of Italy for the restart. Education and financial literacy support high levels of endurance and reaction aptitude. Precious indications for the allocation of the Eu Funds in the coming weeks.

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