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Archive » February 2023 » AgriFoodTech companies: evaluation, sustainability and bankability

AgriFoodTech companies: evaluation, sustainability and bankability

Roberto Moro-Visconti
February 2023 - n. 2
Keywords: Economia circolare, sviluppo sostenibile, catene alimentari, catena del valore, blockchain
Jel codes: Q50, Q56

Food technology (FoodTech) is a branch of food science that deals with the production processes that make foods. AgriTech is the use of technology in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture to improve yield, efficiency, and profitability. Agritech represents products, services, or applications derived from agriculture that improve various input/output processes. Investments in AgriFoodTech will continue to increase to help deliver on the promise of healthier, more sustainable food systems and more efficient supply/value chains. Startups challenge incumbent food producers and offer digital solutions or other innovative results. Sustainable AgriFoodTech investments bring «augmented» business planning and are more resilient and Esg-compliant than traditional supply and value chains. Their incremental value is, however, still debated, as they require initial investments with deferred payoffs.

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