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Archive » February 2023

February 2023

The world economy is weakening, suffering from high inflation, driven by higher energy prices. In the euro area, the normalisation of monetary policy launched ...
Italian banks offer fundamental support to households and businesses, as demonstrated also in recent years and during the pandemic crisis ...
Monetary normalization: easy to say, much harder to do. Since last year, the economy has changed unpredictably and the Ecb, after a long and systematic error ...
Italian 2023 Budget Law has introduced new taxation rules on crypto-assets, whose income has been included among «other income» as set by art.67 of ...
The Basel rules are the result of a solid process and extensive political and technical negotiations. However, the outcome may not always appear optimal ...
The existing real estate assets in Italy are characterized by a non-optimal level of energy efficiency, and the Italian Government has created an incentive system ...
In a policy driven transition process, the capital market plays a key role in supporting companies on the path to an eco-sustainable economy and this ...
Food technology (FoodTech) is a branch of food science that deals with the production processes that make foods. AgriTech is the use of technology in agriculture ...
Consob, the Italian financial markets Authority, is undergoing rapid transformation to keep up with the changes in the ecosystem of financial markets ...

Ugo La Malfa banchiere

Antonio Patuelli
Centovent’anni fa nasceva a Palermo Ugo La Malfa, uno dei principali economisti e statisti del Novecento. Ugo La Malfa si laureò a Venezia nell’Istituto Superiore di Scienze Economiche ...
Il recente documento del G20 e dell’Ocse, l’Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico che ha sede a Parigi e riunisce 38 paesi sviluppati ...
La diversità di genere nelle imprese è da tempo uno dei temi principali del più ampio dibattito sul gender gap, che secondo l’ultimo rapporto del World Economic Forum ...