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Archive » January 2022 » The European Commission’s proposal to amend the Basel 3 rules for banks

The European Commission’s proposal to amend the Basel 3 rules for banks

Paolo Angelini
January 2022 - n. 1
Keywords: Banche, regole prudenziali, fattori di rischio, Esg
Jel codes: G21, G28, Q54

The European Commission's proposal to revise the Crr and Crd rules has formally started the process of implementing the Basel 3 final standards in Europe. In terms of environmental regulation, many innovations are also being developed, which determine challenges but also important opportunities. Effective collaboration between intermediaries and businesses on this issue will be essential, starting with the crucial issue of data. A framework of strict rules will not damage European banks, and Italian banks in particular; the new rules correct the imbalance between credit risk and market risk requirements and reduce model risk. In the negotiations, the debate on the prudential treatment of individual risks must be avoided and efforts must be made to find acceptable solutions and compatible with the objectives of the reform. The dialogue with industry and the Italian Banking Association is essential.

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