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Archive » January 2022

January 2022

The European Commission's proposal to revise the Crr and Crd rules has formally started the process of implementing the Basel 3 final standards in Europe ...
The Business Model Analysis of the european Srep, the increasing competition in banking sector and the growing importante of strategic risk lead banks ...
The Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan allocates significant resources to social investments, and in particular to social housing ...
The new population forecasts issued by Istat adjust downeard the previous ones. The reasons behind this adjustment are the decline of fertility ...
Through a critical analysis of financial statements and market data, the essay examines the credit impairment losses, the economic value generated ...
The GameStop case, which broke out in January 2021, has had relevant implications in various areas of global finance. Among its causes ...


Luigi Arcuti è stato uno dei maggiori banchieri italiani della seconda metà del Novecento. Ha operato inizialmente ...
The book on Luigi Arcuti’s writings aims to shed light on the vigorous personality, financial opinions and business strategies of the banker from Turin ...
In January 1977 Arcuti, then Director General of Istituto bancario San Paolo di Torino, sent these critical and selfcritical assessments of the functioning ...
Per un giornalista finanziario è stato impossibile aprire «Insieme si cresce» senza ritrovarsi subito sulle tracce del lungo duello fra Luigi Arcuti ...
On the 50th anniversary of the death of Stefano Siglienti (1898-1971), President of ABI since its reconstitution in 1945, the Association recalled ...
In questo intervento mi propongo di prendere spunto da qualche passo della Commedia per svolgere alcuni ragionamenti da economista ...