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Archive » December 2019

December 2019

Strategies, profitability and balance sheet management in banks

Elisabetta Tisato, Pasquale Coviello, Francesco Zeigner
The relationship between profitability and the banks' strategic choices is highlighted by a thematic analysis carried out by the Ecb which examined the three main areas of intervention needed to improve banks' levels of profitability

The cash cycle in Italy: trends, players and strategies

Manuela Calderini, Angelarosa Longo, Roberto Rinaldi, Giorgia Rocco, Ferdinando Sasso
Cash distribution network in Italy is shrinking but is still widespread as compared with other euro area countries. Cash remains the most common means of payment in Italy and is increasingly distributed through Atms.
The story of the Four Italian Banks put into resolution in November 2015, told by its protagonists in a recent book, shows how the new procedure introduced by the Brrd has generated dysfunctions and negative repercussions on
Digital in real estate represents a fundamental element to allow banks to develop from hedge funds to asset managers and, in parallel, in broker dealers and wealth managers. The future for the Italian real estate sector is based on the virtuous
Syndication allows private equity sponsors to take over firms that would be overlooked due to lack of financial resources and/or skills. Skills come from experience, but the same amount of experience yields different skills based on specific past act...
The credit intermediation sector in Italy has profoundly changed after the reform of 2010 which has introduced more detailed and selective rules that have ensured greater protection for consumers.
With a view to identifying the evolutionary aspects of P2P Lending platforms and the legal trends at the international level, this work has focused on the Italian experience, paying particular attention to the market potential a
The outlook for consumer credit remains positive in Italy and, in particular, the salary-backed loans show good prospects, also thanks to their high profitability and low risk for the banks or the lending financial institutions. The big banks look to...