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Archive » September 2015

September 2015

Sustainable growth, ethics and compliant behaviours are inextricably connected. The link between democracy, politics, government, judiciary and police forces constitutes ...
Financial, technological and competitive changes and more stringent European regulatory standards are stimulating banks to adopt new business models ...

Is the financial services industry affected by collateral overlaps?

Bruno Bertaccini, Lorenzo Gai, Federica Ielasi
Financial intermediaries typically mitigate information asymmetries by requesting collaterals on issued loans. Banks can request internal guarantees ...

The new Eu banking resolution regime

Sebastiano Laviola, Giuseppe Loiacono, Paolo Santella
The bail-in tool introduced in the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (Brrd) and in the Single Resolution Mechanism (Srm) Regulation is aimed at increasing the efficiency ...
The Basel Committee has recently introduced a revision to the methodologies for measuring operational risk capital. The revised standardised approach has replaced ...
The level of Italian banks non-performing loans has produced relevant impacts on banks profitability and on management aspects. Banks need to adopt more focused ...

The sustainability of banking business: regulation, competition and efficiency

Giancarlo Durante, Marcello Giustiniani, Alessandro Profumo, Luigi Prosperetti, Giovanni Sabatini
In the integrated European financial market, competitors' choices and decisions have a strong impact on Italian banks. They are facing the challenge not only of a greater competition ...