About us
Bancaria, born in 1921, is one of the oldest economic and financial journals in Europe. Bancaria is the monthly journal of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) and the more widespread and relevant among Italian financial journals.
Main topics of the Journal, fully analyzed in the Editorial Policy concern Banking and Finance. Bancaria represents an authoritative source of scientific research and important information for all the researchers and practitioners interested in the development and innovation in the financial business.
Every month, the Forum section hosts scientific papers selected on the basis of a double blind peer review referral process. The Forum section has been created in 2008, in collaboration with ADEIMF, the Association of Italian Banking and Finance Professors.
Every year, two issues of Bancaria provide half-year results of major Italian banking groups.
Bancaria has received in 2009 an important scientific award: it is the first financial journal recognized by AIDEA, the Italian Academy of Business Administration and Management, as an high editorial standards Italian journal.