Editorial Policy
Bancaria is the journal of the Italian Banking Association (ABI), published by Bancaria Editrice. Born in 1921 and renewed in the 1949, in the last 70 years Bancaria has contributed to understanding and analysis of the Banking and Financial system in the national and international scenario.
Bancaria aims to consider jointly the needs of the academic research and the practicioners' point of view, publishing:
1.1 Academic researches characterized by originality, innovation and relevance;
1.2 Contributions and articles on the current scenario of the banking and financial systems, on regulatory issues, best practices and case studies.
Main topics are:
2.1 Banking and Finance: Structure and efficiency of the financial industry, bank strategies, lending, payment systems, finance, asset management, financial innovation, insurance, corporate governance, social responsibility, risk management, marketing, organization and human resources in financial intermediaries;
2.2 Other topics, like economic policy, regulation, tax and legal matters, economic history and history of economic thought.
Bancaria publishes papers presented at domestic and international conferences on Banking and Finance and, twice a year, the half year results of major Italian banks. The journal defines periodically calls for papers on hot topics.
The Scientific Committee is formed by distinguished members of the Banking and Financial sector and represents the Italian Banking Association; the Advisory board, that includes highly reputed national and international economists and lawyers, supervises the Editorial Policy of the journal.
Bancaria's Editorial Board is formed by distinguished academics in Economics and Law, by the Editor of the journal and by ABI's Deputy General Manager. The Editorial Board supervises the referee process.
The Editor is responsible for the editorial policy of the journal, supervises the Editorial Board and can appoint co-editors, monitors the referee process and reports periodically to the Scientific Committee and to the Advisory Board.
Articles are evaluated and selected on the basis of criteria well established in the worldwide academic community. More in detail, articles for the Forum section are subject to a double blind peer review referral process with the following characteristics:
Bancaria is indexed in the following databases: