Journal of

year 100

Publishing in Bancaria

Publishing in Bancaria

Evaluation procedure and Referral process

The articles submitted for the Forum section are subject to a double blind referral process. The two referees selected by the Editoral Board among the best researchers on the topic evaluate:


  • Contribution to the existing literature in Banking, Finance and Insurance
  • Structure and methodology
  • Coherence between the literature review and the empirical analysis
  • Clearness both for researchers and practitioners 
  • Implications and relevance for business


Referral process information

The author will receive an e-mail at the beginning of the referral process and appropriate information afterwards.


Submission procedure

The article proposal can be written in Italian or in English. It has to be sent to the following address: In the e-mail, the author has to specify that the article must be considered for the referred Forum section and has to declare that the article will be unpublished until the end of the referral process.


Editorial standards

The article has to be written using Word, graphs as Excel files and tables as Word files.

The length of the article must be from 10 up to 20 pages made by 2,500 tips. For each page, the author has to comply with the following editing standards:


  • Font: Times new roman size 12
  • Space: 1,5
  • Page span: 17
  • Mean number of tips: 2,500 including spaces
  • Mean number of rows: 35
  • Editing rules previously identified attain only the text pages and do not include plot and tables. 
  • The first page must contain the following information:
    • Title in English and possibly in Italian;
    • The name of the author/authors, address, phone number, e-mail and affiliation (role, University and/or Company)
    • A list of up to 5 keywords
    • The JEL codes
  • The second page must show again the title and the abstract. The abstract must be a single paragraph of maximum of 100 words summarizing the main findings of the study
  • Authors information has to appear only in the first page in order to ensure the blindness of the referral process.


Tables and graphs must be separately numbered (Table 1, Table 2 ... ; Graph 1, Graph 2... ), defined by a title and completed by the source of data/information; they must be cited in the text of the article.

Formulas must be written using Equation Editor and must be numbered consecutively in brackets in the right margin.

The reference list must be presented at the end of the article. References must be cited in the text giving the author's surname and the date of publication (Surname, Year) and all cited articles must be in the reference list. For the reference list, the format is the following:


  • Books:
    • Munari L. (1988), Differenziazione dell'offerta e segmentazione della domanda di servizi bancari, Giuffrè, Milano, pp. 158-159.
    • Mottura P. (ed) (1988), Il pluralismo nel sistema bancario italiano, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 158-159.
  • Chapter in books and articles in journals
    • Romiti C. (1988) "Innovazione e sviluppo economico", in AA.VV., Etica ed economia, Edizione del Sole 24 Ore, Milano, pp. 158-159.
    • Cesarini F. (1995), "Il punto sullo sviluppo del merchant bank", in Banche e Banchieri, n.2, February (or any other information about the journal), pp. 158-159.


If there are two or more authors, they must be indentified separately using the comma (,) and not the score (-).

If for the same author there are more publications for the same year, the author has to add a progressive letter to the citation in the text and to the reference list.

Example for citation in the text of the article: (Gervasoni, 2002a), (Gervasoni, 2002b)

Example for the reference list:

  • Gervasoni A. (2002a), ..........
  • Gervasoni A. (2002b),..........


Draft and revisions

The editing and revisions of articles is released directly by Bancaria's editorial staff. Authors interested to see the preliminary draft of the article have to ask it to the editorial staff.


Complimentary copies

Authors of each article will receive a copy of the issue and the Pdf version of the article.


Copyright form

When the article is accepted for publication, the author has to fill and send the copyright form. The copyright transfer is without charge.

If the article has multiple authors, each author has to fill and send the copyright form.

Bancaria does not request any submission or publication fee.