Credito, Imprese, Banca, Bancaria
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year 100

Forum | Papers » Bank credit to medium-sized enterprises in Italy: the trends before and during the crisis

Bank credit to medium-sized enterprises in Italy: the trends before and during the crisis

Ivan Lorenzon, Marcella Lucchetta, Loriana Pelizzon
February 2011 - n°2
Jel codes: G01, G21, G32

This paper analyzes the determinants of credit to medium-sized enterprises before and during the crisis in Italy. While the bank-enterprise relationship seems to be crucial in the granting of credit before the crisis of 2007, during the crisis the results show a greater virtuosity of firms entrusted, which are more efficient, capitalized and liquid. Showing a profound change in the granting of credit, based on economic and financial indicators derived from corporate accounts


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