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Archive » December 2023 » Banks and Sustainability for growth. Strategies, regulation and capitals

Banks and Sustainability for growth. Strategies, regulation and capitals

Giovanni Sabatini
December 2023 - n. 12
Keywords: Banche, crescita, mercato dei capitali, modelli di business, sostenibilità
Jel codes: G21, G28, Q56

All banks, of all sizes, are changing their goals and business models and modifying their processes and products to achieve sustainability and inclusion. With positive catalytic effects on businesses and growth. There is wide room for improvement in the regulatory framework, which is currently being defined, and the harmonised collection of Esg data should be encouraged. A crucial role must be played by Capital markets and Institutional investors, who are essential to finance the investments needed for the transition to a sustainable economy, estimated at six trillion in Europe. Here, too, we need strong and coherent European measures. Boosting the Capital Markets Union and removing barriers to equity investment for banks.

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