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Archive » June 2024 » Environmental strategies and governance in e-waste reduction: empirical evidence from the banking sector

Environmental strategies and governance in e-waste reduction: empirical evidence from the banking sector

Evita Allodi, Claudio Cacciamani
June 2024 - n. 6
Keywords: Economia circolare, e-waste, banche, corporate governance, strategia ambientale
Jel codes: G21, G30, G39

The study analyses the role that environmental strategies implemented by banks, gender diversity on boards of directors and the presence of Csr committees play in reducing e-waste in the banking sector. Using a sample of 671 listed banks from 63 countries from 2010 to 2021, the study shows that the adoption of environmentally friendly strategies and the establishment of Csr committees – both individually and jointly – positively influence e-waste reduction. The presence of Csr committees also improves the effectiveness of environmental strategies for e-waste reduction. Board gender diversity only has an impact on e-waste when it interacts with environmental strategies.

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