Journal of
year 100
November 2019
Raffaele Mattioli has always considered that culture, which he promoted and financed, had a fundamental role foreconomic progress, as well as for politics
The pressure imposed by European regulation and the tight timeframes adopted by Supervisors to reduce Npls have forced Italian banks into accelerated action. This has often resulted in their massive transfer to specialist operators, r
In recent years, Italian banks have strongly reduced non-performing loans, bringing the net Npl ratio to 3.9% at the end of 2019. However, as the Bank of Italy also acknowledges,
Massimo Caratelli, Joe Capobianco, Nadia Linciano, Nicola Ronchetti, Paola Soccorso
The effectiveness of the interaction between financial advisors and investors has been analyzed in a research project by Consob, Finer and Roma Tre University. This is a topic of great importance as the presence of any dystonia in the relations
Eleonora Broccardo,Maria Mazzuca
The spread of Sibs and social impact finance poses challenges both on a theoretical and on a practical level. Literature has not yet clearly established the economic value of Sibs and, with regard to the Italian context,
Gianluigi Gugliotta, Antonio Sarno
The results of a recent Assosim survey confirms the fears about the negative impact of MiFid 2 on the equity research market in Italy, in particular