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Archive » June 2020 » Private equity post Covid: public and private, a cohabitation to be built

Private equity post Covid: public and private, a cohabitation to be built

Anna Gervasoni
June 2020 - n. 6
Keywords: Private equity, venture capital, interventi pubblici e privati, Covid-19
Jel codes: G24, E22, I10

To help companies recover the negative effects induced by Coronavirus, effective responses have been given both in Italy and in Europe. The attention of the Italian legislator, to face the health and economic crisis triggered by Covid-19, has focused, in addition to measures in favor of the liquidity of the system and facilitating access to credit, on the debt recapitalization and consolidation. In Italy tools have been put in place to provide the business system with adequate financial means, but the revival of the economy also passes through the development of the private capital market, which can play a fundamental role, capable of attracting also international capital.


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