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Archive » June 2024 » School-to-work transition, mobility of skilled young people and territorial inequalities in Italy

School-to-work transition, mobility of skilled young people and territorial inequalities in Italy

Francesca Tosi
June 2024 - n. 6
Keywords: Politiche demografiche e territoriali, giovani, transizione scuola-lavoro
Jel codes: J10, J11, J13

Italy must confront the worsening issue of dejuvenation and is therefore called upon to maximize the potential of its youth population, which is currently constrained by high unemployment, low wages, and job insecurity. Increasingly, educated young people are choosing to emigrate in search of better opportunities for personal and social growth, raising growing concerns about the impact of their departure on their home regions. To address the challenges posed by the mobility of skilled young people, it is essential to facilitate the school-to-work transition, encourage the return of migrants, and attract new youth resources through policies promoting decent work and improved life prospects.

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