Archive » March 2021 » The birth of Rivista Bancaria and the role of Cabiati and Mattioli
The first president of the Italian Banking Association, Luigi Della Torre, entrusts the management of ABI’s journal to the economist Attilio Cabiati, who appointed the young Raffaele Mattioli as chief of staff. Around the Rector of Bocconi Angelo Sraffa, and the «Turin-Milan axis», the first steps of Rivista Bancaria follow its «militant» program, dictated by Cabiati in tune with Einaudi: to train bankers on the principles of the bank and correctly inform readers about current events. On this line, Mattioli wrote 180 articles between 1920 and 1925, almost all anonymous. The key are the translations of articles from foreign journals and the «Correspondences from abroad», a clear indication of the effort of information and comparison in an international perspective.
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