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Archive » July / August 2022 » The Considerazioni finali of the Bank of Italy between language, history and economy

The Considerazioni finali of the Bank of Italy between language, history and economy

Cristina Guardiano, Valentina Ligabue, Paola Vezzani
July / August 2022 - n. 7-8
Keywords: Banca d’Italia, Relazione annuale, Considerazioni finali, mutamenti economici e finanziari, cambiamenti linguistici, struttura lessicale e morfosintattica
Jel codes: G21, G28, Z10, Z13

In this paper, we perform an analysis of the 75 Considerazioni finali read by the Governors of the Bank of Italy in charge from 1947 to 2021. We focus on their economic and financial contents and on their sociolinguistic features, textual organization and major morphosyntactic peculiarities. Also, we explore the relation between these documents and a peculiar variety of Italian, namely the specialized language of economy. To our knowledge, this is a very first attempt of an analysis that combines a detailed survey of the content of the Considerazioni finali, carried on using the classical tools of economic analysis, with a systematic observation of the linguistic configuration and sociolinguistic nature of these texts.

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