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Archive » December 2023 » The Italian demographic crisis in the European context: causes and possible solutions

The Italian demographic crisis in the European context: causes and possible solutions

Salvatore Strozza
December 2023 - n. 12
Keywords: Crisi demografica, fecondità, immigrazione, politiche demografiche
Jel codes: J10, J11, J13

Over the last forty years, Italy has recorded, in addition to the aging and recent decrease in the population, a significant reduction in its young people (under 20), who are now considerably fewer than their peers living in Germany, the United Kingdom and France. The prolonged low fertility has led to the reduction of births in past decades and, over time, the decrease in the mean size of the female birth-cohorts in reproductive age, which in turn has contributed to the collapse in the number of births in the last decade and, in the future, will limit the increase in births even in the presence of a recovery in fertility. A recovery that must absolutely be supported with suitable policies aimed at encouraging the professional fulfillment of young people, the conciliation between work and family life and the sharing of tasks between partners. But to encourage more balanced demographic evolution, it will also be necessary to plan and govern adequate foreign immigration and integration policies for immigrants and their children. Only by acting on both of these levers (fertility and migration) will it be possible to avoid the demographic abyss.

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