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Forum | Papers » The leading role of information search in banks’ customer satisfaction

The leading role of information search in banks’ customer satisfaction

Gianluigi Guido, Antonio Mileti, M. Irene Prete, Vincenzo Scamandro
July - August 2015 - n. 7/8
Jel codes: M30, M31, M51

Recent studies on customer satisfaction showed how the whole consumption experience - rather than the sole service performance - should be considered amongst the causes of repurchasing acts. On the base of a sample of almost one-thousand customers of six major banks located in Salento, this research was aimed to determine which stage of the consumption experience mostly influences the customer satisfaction levels in a contest like that of Southern Italy. Results revealed that the information search is the most crucial phase able to foster consumers' satisfaction, whereas communications and personal relationships are the main antecedents of the motivational and cognitive processes on which the demand for bank services is based

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