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Archive » June 2022 » Towards a sustainable finance for a sustainable economy

Towards a sustainable finance for a sustainable economy

Giovanni Sabatini
June 2022 - n. 6
Keywords: Banche, finanza sostenibile, Agenda 2030
Jel codes: G21, G28, M14

The energy and environmental emergency requires to pursue transition in a new way. European and Italian banks can be an important partner, although certainly not the main player in the process. It is up to public institutions to implement industrial and social policies that stimulate businesses and households, and are consistent with the rules for the banking sector. Among the most important challenges is that of the lack of environmental and climate data, but also social, which companies must provide to banks. It is therefore necessary to expand public data sources, coordinate rules at international level, ensure the quality and comparability of information, prevent greenwashing. The success of green bonds in Europe must be consolidated, and appropriate rules on the transparency of sustainable investments must be established.

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