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Archive » July / August 2022 » Towards a sustainable finance for a sustainable economyaThe challenges for Italian banks: environment, ethics, financing recovery

Towards a sustainable finance for a sustainable economyaThe challenges for Italian banks: environment, ethics, financing recovery

Antonio Patuelli
July / August 2022 - n. 7-8
Keywords: Banche, imprese, Unione bancaria
Jel codes: G21, G28

Italian banks have overcome the effects of the financial crisis and the pandemic, supporting companies in the difficult war scenario, and reducing non-performing loans, initiating a profound transformation in the name of sustainability and innovation. New risks, such as cryptocurrencies, must be addressed with effective international rules. Even the web must be constitutionalized to make prevail the rules of law. «European thinking» is the key to an open market economy and fair, inclusive, and widespread progress.

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