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Archive » January 2014

January 2014

Italy cannot be divided mechanically in two areas, an industrialized North and Center and a lagging South. A new ABI-Censis research traces eight segments that can be of great interest for banking activity...

Personal savings in Italy, channeling resources for growth

Francesca Bartoli, Marcello Calabrò, Roberto Larotonda, Laura Marzorati, Zeno Rotondi
Despite the decline during the crisis, Italian households savings rate is in line with major European countries and higher than Us and Uk. Conservative portfolios allowed, during the crisis...

Lending organization in Italian banks

Silvia Del Prete, Marcello Pagnini, Paola Rossi, Valerio Vacca
This paper analyses how banks organize their lending activity in two surveys carried out in 2006 and in 2009. During this period, the use of rating and scoring methodologies became more widespread...
The legislative changes introduced in the Italian pre-insolvency law for corporate crisis management provide the opportunity to reconsider the question related to the bank's responsibility...

Relationship banking: new evidence from small business credit in Italy

Irma Malafronte, Stefano Monferrà, Claudio Porzio, Gabriele Sampagnaro
This paper aims to investigate the relationship between banking competition and credit availability for a large sample of Italian firms. The main results show that relationships last more years...

The new Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive

Andrea Meiani, Luigi Rizzi, David Sabatini
The Aifmd Directive aims to create a comprehensive regulatory and supervisory framework for the alternative fund industry in the European Union. It will help to overcome gaps and inconsistencies...