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Archive » June 2018

June 2018

Supporting firms market access, savings investor protection, financial education, alternative dispute resolution, non financial information and international leadership ...
Digital transformation helps to catalyze growth, efficiency and new opportunities but also generates new risks that can be limited by a more regulated business environment
Innovative and complex products and platforms respond to the economic laws underlying the markets. The task of the regulator is therefore to understand without prejudice ...
The development of Fintech companies makes the ecosystem in which banks operate increasingly competitive, with new risks and opportunities. Banks can create new businesses ...
The role of the Data Protection Authority will be relevant in the Fintech sector. According to the new European regulation, the Authority will promote the establishment of ...
Financial regulators, at national or supranational level, must certainly ensure the stability of supervised subjects and of the whole system, the transparency and fairness

The link between board diversity, competence and bank performance

Rossella Locatelli, Cristiana Schena, Andrea Uselli, Alessandra Tanda
This paper investigates the link between the board of directors' characteristics and bank's financial performance in a wide sample of Italian banks. The analysis is among the first and ...
The debate on banks' sovereign exposures can be pursued using two different approaches: the rise of capital ratios in terms of credit risk, the reduction of concentration risk ...
The debate on the legal qualification of execution orders, as part of an investment service, continues in jurisprudence. The Cassation Court in Italy has partially innovated the decisions ...
The dispute resolution system generates values and disincentives for incorrect practices. This goal should be pursued increasing the cost of opportunistic customer complaints ...
Financial and social inclusion, infrastructures and assistive devices, multi-channel systems, universal design and multisensoriality are the cornerstones of an environment designed ...