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year 100

Archive » June 2020

June 2020

Covid-19: advocating clear information

Giorgio Alleva, Alberto Zuliani
The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting areas all over Italy and nations worldwide in different ways, which makes it difficult to find answers to the many questions that citizens and experts have asked themselves ...
Over recent years, Italian demography is characterized by a steady decrease of births, a high number of deaths and a small positive migration balance, which have led to a contraction of the total population ...

The role of cooperative banks in mitigating systemic risk

Vincenzo Pacelli, Francesca Pampurini, Anna Grazia Quaranta
The world of cooperative banks in the aftermath of the 2008 global crisis has been analyzed by many scholars. In this paper we investigated whether, although they are not systemic banks, they are actually ...
After the crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic, measures to restart the economy in Italy and Europe become even more urgent. The State has to create the necessary conditions for the transformation ...

Banks and FinTech companies: strategies and investment risks

Claudio Porzio, Daniele Previtali, Belinda Laura Del Gaudio
The objective of this work is to assess the impact of the new technologies used in FinTech on the banking risk system, also outlining some of the response strategies adopted and to adopt ...
The article aims to critically analyze the article 13 of the «Codice della Crisi d'Impresa e dell'Insolvenza» (Ccii) according to which, in the presence of «indicators of crisis», the statutory auditors must ...
The regulatory and operational context impacting on anti-money laundering activities, and the large amount of data to be processed and evaluated for prevention purposes started reflections on the development ...
To help companies recover the negative effects induced by Coronavirus, effective responses have been given both in Italy and in Europe. The attention of the Italian legislator, to face the health ...