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Archive » June 2024

June 2024

La crisi demografica italiana ha raggiunto negli ultimi anni una nuova dimensione, entrando al centro del dibattito politico e generando nuove preoccupazioni ...
Facing the consequences of the rapid ageing of the population is a challenge that requires a new look at the concept and actors of well-being. Until now ...
Many recent studies have examined the actual impact of family policies aimed at countering demographic decline in the advanced economies of the West ...
Italy must confront the worsening issue of dejuvenation and is therefore called upon to maximize the potential of its youth population, which is currently ...
The study analyses the role that environmental strategies implemented by banks, gender diversity on boards of directors and the presence of Csr committees ...
Taking a cue from the recent return to an appreciable level of profitability of the Italian banking sector after a long phase of unsatisfactory performance ...
The Eu single rulebook, in confirming the principles and obligations of the previous directive, highlights the international dimension of Money laundering ...
Per i dati riferiti all’esercizio 2023, sono pubblicate le seguenti informazioni ...